Injectable Steroids
*** Pharmacy Grade Product
Manufacturer: Aburaihan Iran
Substance: Nandrolone Decanoate
Lab results, latest, 2022 June:
Link to lab test:
*** Pharmacy Grade Product From Direct Source!
Manufacturer: Bayer Schering Pharma
Note: Reship guarantee is valid for all offers/bulk deals listed on our web site.
*** Pharm..
*** Veterinary Grade Product
**Due to its shape and look on scan, there is risk of this product b..
*** Pharmacy Grade Product
Manufacturer: Iran Hormone
Substance: Nandrolone Decaonate
Manufacturer: Nessie Pharma
Substance: Nandrolone undecylenate
Package: 10 ml vial, 200 mg/ml
***Due to its shape and look on scan, there is risk of this product being xrayed and returned to us ..
Manufacturer: Nessie Pharm..
***Due to its shape and look on scan, there is risk of this product being xrayed and returned to us ..
Manufacturer: Nessie Pharma
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10 ml vial, 100 mg/ml